5 Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone For Improved Energy And Libido

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Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone that is important for both men and women; though, a lack of testosterone is of more concern for men. It is directly linked to a number of traits, such as more muscle mass, higher energy levels, and an increased libido. When testosterone levels are low, you may notice a decrease in these areas.

Along with a weakened libido, energy levels, and muscle, you may experience cognitive issues, depression, irritability, lack of confidence, and difficulty sleeping. These conditions can have a major impact on your life, including your relationships.

These physical signs and symptoms can manifest when you have low testosterone that most people may ignore as part of aging:

  • Impotence—inability to develop or maintain an erection
  • Hair thinning or balding
  • Lack of energy
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Increase in body fat
  • Chronic back pain
  • Reduced bone mass/density and increased risk of fracture
  • Chest pains
  • High LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio
  • Infertility—low sperm count
  • Development of male breasts

Mental and emotional signs that are less evident:

  • Low sex drive
  • Brain fog—difficulty concentrating
  • Weak memory
  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • Easily agitated or irritated

If you suspect that you have a low testosterone, then use the following tips to naturally increase the hormone. By using natural solutions, you can gradually improve your testosterone levels while boosting your libido and promoting weight loss.


1. Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Eating a lot of sweets and consuming foods that contain an abundance of sugar can increase your blood sugar levels. Research shows that having high blood sugar levels can limit the production of testosterone by 25 percent. Before you can start correcting your low testosterone levels, you may need to cut back on sugar and flour.


2. Increase Your Muscle Mass

Strength training can help you gain more muscle mass. This keeps your metabolism functioning properly and helps promote the production of testosterone. It is also natural to lose muscle mass as you age and regular exercise can help prevent this muscle loss.

Perform strength training exercises several times per week to begin gaining muscle or to prevent muscle loss. Exercises, such as chin-ups, pushups, bench presses, deadlifts, and squats are most effective for boosting testosterone production.


3. Get Better Sleep

You will need quality sleep to actively perform strength training exercises and to promote better health. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a lack of sleep can lead to a drop in testosterone levels by 10 to 15 percent. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night.


4. Manage Your Stress

Getting better sleep can help you manage your stress, which is another common cause of lower testosterone levels. Anxiety, hostility, depression and stress can have an impact on your testosterone. Learn how to manage these issues. Getting regular exercise is one way to help relieve stress and depression.


5. Nutrients Intake

With faulty eating, most often nutrients get depleted and not replenished. If you are consciously trying to increase your testosterone levels, consider taking supplements for the following nutrients that may help:

  • The Zinc Mineral:  The main content of semen is zinc. Zinc is important for testosterone production and as you age, production of this mineral is also reduced. The best sources of zinc are from protein-rich foods, raw milk, raw cheese, beans, yogurt or kefir, seeds of pumpkin and sunflower. Keep in mind that cooking and heat will reduce the zinc content from these foods. Zinc supplement is another good option but do stick to the recommended dosage, as more does not mean better and may cause other problems.
  • Vitamin D:  Vitamin D is essential for the synthesis of testosterone, healthy development of quality semen and help increase sperm count. The best source of vitamin D is naturally by sun exposure. In the absence of sunlight in certain countries or certain time of the year, a vitamin D3 supplement may also help.
  • Healthy Fats:  Eating healthy fats that include saturated fats from animal sources and coconut oil will help give your testosterone levels a boost. Other good sources of healthy fats are from olive oil, raw nuts, raw eggs and avocados.
  • Herbs: Some excellent herbs that are beneficial to increase your testosterone level are ashwagandha, pine bark extract, maca root, Korean ginseng and garlic.


Read more about increasing sperm quality and your sexual health.

Lower testosterone levels can severely interfere with your life. If the tips provided do not help, then you may want to setup an appointment with your doctor. There could be an underlying problem that is causing lower testosterone levels.

Certain medical conditions can lead to hormonal imbalances, but for the majority of people, lower testosterone levels can be increased using the natural tips provided.

The bottom line is that you need to listen to your body. If you are feeling tired, irritable, depressed, and notice a lack of libido, then you may have lower testosterone levels. Only you have the power to improve your health and correct hormonal problems. Start by paying attention to what you eat, get regular exercise, and limit your stress.



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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of Juicing-for-Health.com. She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.


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