Color Food Groups: Colorful Food Makes You Healthy And Happy
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Include natural foods from ALL color groups in your daily diet to keep a balance and have your health covered in all aspects!
When selecting fruits and vegetables for juicing, do not hesitate to try with various colors of nature. In fact, include as many colors as possible in order to have your health covered in all aspects.
Each food color group targets different areas of your health. When you include all the colors, you are working a myriad of disease-fighting nutrients/vitamins into your juices. It’s just simply amazing what Nature provides for man’s health.
Eat Something From Each Of These Color Food Groups Daily
Here are some explanation of each different color group:
What They Do:
Pro-vitamin A activities (e.g. improve vision health)
- Free radical scavengers (prevent diseases, slow down the process of ageing and degeneration of brain cells)
- Protect/Prevent/Repair DNA damage (suppress tumors)
- Immune booster (protect against common cold, destroys foreign micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites)
Some Examples of YELLOW Foods:
Banana, mango, papaya, yellow capsicum, peaches, pineapple, squash, passion fruit, white grapefruit, lemons, pomelo.
What They Do:
Blood cleanser, alkalizer, multiplier
- Regulate blood sugar level, cholesterol level
- Lower the risk of heart diseases and stroke
- Kill/inhibit bacteria, viruses and fungi infections
- Maintain bone mineral density
- Reduce allergic reactions
- Relieves respiratory troubles like asthma and sinus
- Reduces pain caused by inflammation
- Eliminates body odor/bad breath
- Improves bowel movements
- Melt away fats
- And many many more … !
Some Examples of GREEN Foods:
Alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, celery, cilantro, collard greens, kale, lettuce, parsley, green pepper, watercress, wheatgrass, green apples, green tea ….. you fill in the blanks!
What They Do:
Prevent/improve astigmatism, cataracts and macular degeneration
- Prevent/improve blood sugar level in diabetics
- Improve circulation, no more feeling weak and numbness in the limbs
- Prevent cancer
- Prevent/remove wrinkles and signs of ageing
- Increase “good” HDL cholesterol and reduce total cholesterol level
- Reduce chronic inflammation
- Reduce kidney stone formation
- Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial
- Hormone balancing
Some Examples of RED/PURPLE Foods:
Red apples, all berries and currants, strawberries, pears, plums, pomegranates, prunes, red capsicum, cherries, red grapefruits, red/purple grapes, red/purple cabbage, red-flesh pittaya, red-flesh watermelon, rhubarb, tomatoes, red onions.
What They Do:
Prevent/repair DNA damages by free radicals
- Protect against cardiovascular diseases
- Protect vision health. Prevent astigmatism, cataracts, macular degeneration
- Help reproduction system to function properly
- Prevent/protect against many forms of cancer by preventing overgrowth/mutation of cells
- Immune booster
- Help regulate blood sugar level
Some Examples of ORANGE Foods:
Apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches, persimmons, tangerines, butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, orange capsicums.
What They Do:
Destroy the bad micro-organisms in the gastrointestines
- Remove viruses, fungi and yeast infections (athlete’s foot, ear infections, Candida Albicans)
- Replenish foods for good bacteria to multiply
- Activate lymphocytes (white blood cells) as first line defence against bacterial invaders
- Lower risks of stroke and heart diseases
- Powerful immune booster and hormone-balancer
- Preventive against cancers of the stomach, prostate, hormone and blood
Some Examples of WHITE Foods:
Garlic, celeriac, beansprouts, ginger, onions, leeks, fennel, white radish, chicory, jicama, lotus roots, white cauliflower, jicama, lemongrass, mushrooms.
Like a pallet of colors all mixed, all the phytonutrients from other colored foods areconcentrated in the BLUE/BLACK foods, making them superfoods, a nutrition POWERHOUSE.
They have more of everything. More antioxidants, more anti-inflammatory properties, more phytonutrients, more minerals, more vitamins,more isoflavones, more, more …
What They Do:
- Strengthen kidneys
- Rebuild and strengthen bones
- Higher level of anti-oxidants to fight cancer
- Anti-tumor, anti-viral
- Super immunity booster
- Increase and regulate metabolic process
Some Examples of BLUE/BLACK Foods:
Blueberries, bilberries, black plum, black potatoes, blackberries, blackcurrants, black carrots, black grapes, black olives, black cabbage, black mushrooms, black quinoa, black beans, black sesame seeds.
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