Patricia’s 40-day Juice Fast Healed Her Of Psoriasis, Sciatica, Anxiety, Insomnia And Also Lost Weight!

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Patricia’s 40-day juice fast has healed her of psoriasis, lower back pain, sciatica, anxiety/depression, insomnia and to top it off, lost weight as a side benefit. She shares her beautiful journey …

I’ve fasted on and off for about 15 years and have researched almost everything on the web on Fasting. But, I find myself returning often to this website and I like your Facebook. I find your simple, straight forward and caring approach rewarding. I want to thank you for your support and personal guidance during my 40-day fast, a first for me! Today is day 34.

I needed to do a good juice fast, a strict one. The psoriasis I’ve had all my life flared up all over real bad, discs in my spine felt pinched. I had major lower left back pain that scared me. Sciatica started down my left leg. I couldn’t even walk properly. It was painful. Anxiety & depression was at a high. I had started menopause five months earlier and felt old. I hadn’t been sleeping well and relied on AdvilPM every now and then. I also quit smoking cigarettes back in October, so I put on a ton of weight; I barely had a wardrobe, felt lopsided and tired.

Initially I aimed for 10 days. Then 14 turned into 21, then 30. Like I said I started fasting about 15 years ago, but never made it this far. At that time, I came down with Steven Johnson’s syndrome (an allergic reaction to over-the-counter Benadryl).

After several doctors’ unsuccessful attempts to cure me with prednisone, I found a homeopathic doctor who changed my life. I am forever grateful. I like making my own juices from carrot, and cucumbers. It’s gentle on my symptoms. I like a little beet & ginger every now and then.

I’ve never been regimented and consume what and when I feel like it. I know I should drink more water and juice but I just don’t feel like it. I always make sure I drink some water every hour when awake and maybe have two 8 oz. glasses of juice daily. Honestly, I sometimes “cheat” by drinking a glass of soymilk at night or a hazelnut coffee in the morning, even an all-natural Popsicle. Maybe it’s being undisciplined, but I feel that if I deprived myself completely, I will not succeed. And they are all liquids!

Sometimes I believe that God or the spirits are leading and supporting me. If I am not thirsty, why force it? I think everyone has his or her own fasting path/journey. As long as I feel well and can make it through a hectic day in the city and at work, that’s success.

Every ailment mentioned above is now completely gone! Except for a little remaining psoriasis below the knee, which is what keeps me fasting another week to 40 days. The most astonishing thing is that the first week I fasted, my period returned after five months. This website said that “fasting makes one more youthful”. I was skeptical, thinking it was a fluke. But, exactly 28-days later it came back again just as always.

juice fast heals psoriasis

I don’t want to list every miracle, but like I said, everything mentioned above is gone, except a little psoriasis. I feel so in-sync and at peace with the world around me. It’s springtime here in NYC and the cherry blossoms are at full bloom. I’ve also lost a good amount of excess weight/inflammation. I don’t weigh myself; I think it’s the part of me that wants to prove it’s so much more than about weight loss, but it’s a great side benefit! My wardrobe is now loose on me.

Fasting is a miracle! It’s truly… But I cannot shake this questionable sadness that keeps me in such doubt about all that I have accomplished in the past 33 days. I disvalue it somehow. But, yet I am witness to the blessings. It makes me want to cry sometimes because no one understands fasting’s instant magic; the world, my family, friends, or colleagues. This sadness lingers. Perhaps this feeling is just part of the fasting process.

In the past, when I told my mother or sister that I was fasting, their reply would be that it didn’t help if I didn’t take care of myself the rest of the time. Or, “you’ll lose so much weight.” My brother tunes out when I bring up the subject. My stepfather says he is too old. I want to stand on a mountaintop and show the world my before and after. But yet, I cannot even convince myself or accept the credit for being cured. For some reason, their doubts affect my own, but I am the proof.

The people I love most are those whose medicine cabinets are full of prescriptions ranging from anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, antacids, blood pressure, inflammation and other pain medicines.

My stepfather is terribly arthritic, almost bed-ridden, high blood pressure, has acid-reflux, and takes insulin 4 times daily, among other things.

My mother has suffered years of arthritis and other related ailments. My brother has been on anti-depressants/anxiety pills for years, eating them like candy. But yet, they are not alone. The whole world suffers from these ailments. These specific diseases are so simply eliminated by a good honest 30 – 60 day fast. I am the proof! Even after just 24 hours to three days, my pain subsided, physically and mentally.

Yet, again it brings a shadowy sadness over me because no one understands or is willing to sacrifice, become humble, and deprive themselves of their food or liquor indulgences. It makes me sad because I believe it has to do with their egos. Going to the doctor, relying on others for a quick-fix is easy. Someone coddles you. Even for a minor cold, the world flocks for government-funded flu shots and antibiotics. It’s so overwhelmingly perplexing.

I’ve tried desperately to challenge my family and friends to just a 24-hour to a 3-day fast, even after showing them the proof, but to no avail. When they cannot be convinced of my own proof of the magic of fasting, it disturbs and saddens me. Somehow, it influences my own perception even while I look in the mirror.

Juice fasting is a miracle. It’s “the poor man’s cure“, I once heard. It is magic that presents a one-on-one relationship as a gift for time with oneself, with God, or perhaps both. It can be a lonely self-sacrificing journey. In the end, it will do what I can only say are MIRACLES!

Go here to learn more about Juice Fasting.

Some of the links I post on this site are affiliate links. If you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you). However, note that I’m recommending these products because of their quality and that I have good experience using them, not because of the commission to be made.

About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.

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  1. I’m on day three of my juice fast. I’ve been wanting to blog about it but too afraid because I don’t need to lose any weight and people freak out that I’ll starve to death. I’ve done it before up to nine days but it was a long time ago. But I have fibromyalgia/muscle inflammation and I just realized the part between my neck and shoulders has shrunk just in this first bit. I didn’t even realize that was inflammation but it all makes sense why it hurt so much before.

  2. I developed psoriasis almost two years ago which is the same time I became post menopausal, I don’t know if there is any correlation? The psoriasis started on my scalp as a small patch and I didn’t think much about it however it continued to spread and my whole body is pretty much covered now, and now I’m also noticing my nail beds are changing on my feet as well as on my hands. I have tried the ointments and light therapy to no avail. So I thought I’m just going to take my changes with an oral treatment though they said the side effect is cancer. I can not even believe I was going to go that route, especially because my mom and my two aunts died of cancer, crazy right! Well, I came across your site and read the article about an extended juice fast curing psoriasis … I decided to give extended juice fasting a try instead of the oral meds. I want to thank you for this site … I can now make different types of juices to vary it up. Well, here I am on day two of my extended juice fast of 60 or 90 days … basically until my psoriasis clears. I have done a 21-day juice fast in the past however I didn’t have psoriasis during that fast. So far so good. I did do an enema yesterday to kill the hunger pains sooner still hungry but not bad.

  3. Hi. Thank you for sharing.
    I’m doing the same recipe since 2 weeks ago, I don’t have any of your symptoms but I’m solving other symptoms as acne (my skin looks very clear, almost without scars), moreover, I feel more energetic and the quality of my sleep is much better.
    I’m happy with the result and I want to learn new recipes and do it in a more background and knowledge. Enjoy!

  4. I have fasted before also. People really don’t understand it’s about getting healthy. I have asthma, arthritis, insomnia, sugar cravings, breast cancer survivor and tinnitus really bad. It would be nice to talk to someone who truly understands.

  5. im on my second raw blended fast. the first was about 8 years ago. i went from about 310 to around 214lb and took about 8 months., i started with only smoothies but after a couple of weeks i added raw meals to the mix. i felt great and was sure this was the new me for the forseable future. Alas i failed to keep it up and slipped back into a hardcore carnivore diet. Im 38, 6ft2 and currently weigh 272, down from 286 on August 13th. I had back surgery for herniated discs in December and had to stop karate and other exercise due to the disabling sciatica. i feel like i lost a year to it. But, 8+ months post surgery and i only have occasional back pain, my sciatica is gone and im lighter now than when i had surgery. Apart from being a raging carnivore i would drink 30+ ounces of coffee per day and have wine each night with a 6 pack or 2 on the weekends with a few cocktails thrown in for fun. If it was sunny on a saturday i would be drinking on my deck grilling steaks. It sounds fun and it is, however the toll is not worth it.
    14 days in and im feeling more energetic every day. Im down about 1 pound per day. I had one bad evening when i had about 3 slices of pizza – it didnt even taste good and felt horrible physically for a couple of days afterwards.

  6. ???? Well done. Well written. You know how you said your soul was leading you? It led u to the miracle of how our bodies can heal ourself if we get out of the way. Im a huge advocate of juicing and a PA with a masters in clinical medicine. Juicing HEALS… this is no joke. Unfortunately, ur saddness is legit. I feel the same way. Most people are unaware and want to remain that way because they dont want to put any effort or work into their own healing. They want a quick fix, which is so frustrating as a medical provider. Unfortunately, everyone is on their own journey and must come to their own conclusions and hopefully it wont be too late. Good job on ur juice cleansing and sharing ur inspiring story.

  7. Beverley Davis

    A very good read, I totally believe in jucing for health. I have a lot of health issues and I am coming to the conclusion that that is what I concitantly need to do instead of eating has I find eating effects my immune system.
    Health issues, colitis, IBS, hormone imbalance,
    since juicing right which is greens juicing the colitis consultants are surprised I haven’t had a flare up for such a long time. But unfortunately my one big problem is the viral illness I have and have to manage. I am very viral and have to support my immune system by taking glucasan if not I pick up every thing going.
    I take 60 billion strain probiotics and so onto support but not much working at the moment.
    I do believe though that total juicing would be better than eating.

  8. Tammy S Lewis

    Hello SARA , can you please help me on education of fasting. I’m having so many issue with my health. And I want do 40 day fast with juicing. To see if it help me .
    Thank you
    Tammy Lewis

  9. Thanks for sharing. I have chills reading through this article. I know that juice fasts are magic. I have a 7 months baby. I feel so confused sometimes as I have no idea what to do to lose some of this extra weight. I want to be patient and take care of baby first but I am getting tired a lot and my sleep pattern is damaged, my skin and hair are also damaged. I want to try this sometime, but I think I will wait for baby to be fully dependant on his own feeding and not breastmilk. I will save this page and I will try the fast in a few months time. I will come back to give my opinion.

  10. Hello, I’d like to give this a try.. So, are you suggesting I drink two 8 ounce glasses of “the juice” a day? ..I drink a ton of water everyday.. I’m just wanting to know how often I should drink 8 ounces of juice in one day?

  11. lee mason

    juicing for health also eat the whole fruit which is better you also have the fibfre

  12. I’m so happy for u dear…thanks for the receipt and sharing…I’d like to give this a try ❤️ Have a fabulous life

  13. Thank you for your encouraging words and encouragement. I have similar problems who I have been in menopause for the last 4 years with skin, sleeping, depression, weight gain, moods swings, and feeling old.

  14. Hello Sara,

    I absolutely love your story. I’ve started a challenge with a group not gals. It’s been 3 days for me. I can’t lie it’s been so amazing. I know some ppl have cheated. But I some how stumped on your story. I will
    Be sharing with them. To keep them going. Thanks

  15. I love juices, I really need to go on that fast, thank you this is an eye opener for me, thanks

  16. I enjoyed reading your article and am inspired. I just found out I have Hoshimotos. I have felt bad for several years now. I’m a nurse, so naturally I’m stressed. Plus I’m a mom, wife, etc. I am depressed, have insomnia, constipation, fatigue during the day, occasional anxiety. I’m just fed up with it all and I really want to try what you have done to feel better! I’m 50, but luckily I dont look my age. Most think I’m around 40. I’ve tried to take care of myself, but this Hoshimotos has really thrown me for a loop, and my doctor says I’m pre diabetic. I dont want to be overweight, diabetic, depressed, fatigued all the time!! Enough of this already! Plz send advice

  17. I suffered from psoriasis I had to eliminate a lot of foods and I went on a lot of natural products and I was healed from psoriasis 24 years ago

  18. I enjoyed your article and will start a juice liquid cleanse for 10 days.

  19. Chantal esu

    My dear you have encourage me ,so I will like to start ,my major problem is hypertension I need guide, thank

  20. Thank you for the testimony.

    My question is is there a fast and effective juice for anemia, cancer of the blood who is always taking blood every 2 months.
    Secondly , for someone with nerves issue and bone pains always with bloating.

    Kindly help out .

  21. Lana Beitz

    Thank you sooo much for this! Everything you said was
    Conformation for me to begin my fast!

  22. Madhava Reddy

    Dear Patricia
    I am drinking this Juice for the last 7 years
    and i have no sickness and i never went doctor

  23. Marthie Breet

    I am so sick…Dr’s gave me prednisone….pick up a lot of weight and don’t feel myself…..I must fast NOW

  24. Roxane Folk

    Hi I tried this juice diet and had to quit as it was making me feel very I’ll.Had me very concerned went off for 2 days went back on then felt even sicker as well as very tired.

  25. 🙏PRAISE our CREATOR 👑for HIS FOOD🌳Gen1:11-12;28:20-22,Ezek47:12,Dan1:1-21,Mt6:30-34,Lk4:4,Job23:10-12;29:11❤️1Cor2:9🤝

  26. hi i got psoriasis now about 12 years and nothing helps so i wanna try ur juice recipe what time of day can u drink it is there a menu to follow

  27. Let Patricia know that she is not alone, Jesus did 40 days a year it is called Lent. So remember How awesome you are and always be proud of your accomplishments and achievements. My family will not juice either!!!!! Melissa

  28. Dorah Kgwedi

    Hi there . I just want to say to you be proud of your achievements, if nobody sees it or believe you don’t worry. I believe you and so proud of you to have made it. You inspire me to go on a long fast. I have been thinking of it now for a while but after reading your article i think i am ready cause you shown me it can be done. Thanks. Live you life with joy my dear, you deserve it Drop the sadness and forget about how your family feels, this is your lifem

  29. Sharon E Thomas

    Are these the only ingredients there are for the juice cleanses? This is all you ate for a month? Wow! I being able to stick to that. I need to try this. I have psoriasis all over! And I’ve gained weight and I have lower back pain and leg pain. You sound just like me. So I’m going to try this. Thank you.

  30. Don’t worry my sister if I may suggest try praying about your family and the sadness you feel, I know God can and will take you through it.

  31. Kevin Keener

    I did a 60-day fast that ended on September 16th. Since then I have Incorporated more and more raw vegan food into my diet and I continue to juice. I did not have support from the family either but I did not let it bother me. Unfortunately most people would rather take a pill then change their lifestyle. It’s the sad reality of the doctor / medicine trap that most people fall into.

  32. Ana Rodriguez

    Yes I need your help I suffered from my stomach, constipation , and urine infections a lot … please let me know what kind of juices I can drink ..

  33. I would like to know more about your juicing plan or product i have a lot of things going on.You talk about this fasting and how a lot of your medical issues went away.

  34. Interesting story. I have had four back surgeries. Now I could hardly walk straight when I wake up in the morning because of pain in my lower back, back of my thighs. I want to know how glasses of juice do you take a day what about water. I also have pain in all my joints.

  35. How many glasses of juice should I drink a day and how many glasses of water. I have had four back surgeries. Now I have pain in my lower back back of thighs pain in my joints

  36. Nathaniel Brown

    How much does it make. With this type of fast is it the only nutrients you get and are you able to still eat regular?

  37. I want to try this but there are no directions. Is this an all juice fast? No foods at all, or just once a day? I’m not sure if I’m going to do exactly as you because I drink plenty of water.

  38. Grace Garcia

    How do I drink this after I make it? Do I drink the whole drink and make it again tomorrow? Or do I drink half of it

  39. John McAuliffe

    Ms. Ding, Thank you for your open and honest article about your experiences with juicing. I saw the conditions you listed as once suffering from and I share them. You’ve inspired me to take the plunge into juicing, with a goal of 40 days corresponding with the beginning of Lent this March 2. I hope and pray to have the discipline to see it through to the end and be able to attest to benefits of juicing as well! God Bless, John McAuliffe

  40. Hello,
    I enjoyed your perspective on juicing. I had started mine for two months but I never tried a fast with it besides skipping breakfast. How many times a day did you juice and what juice combinations did you try?

  41. Honor Palmer

    I started juicing at 23 after the birth of my daughter.i had gained 65 pounds and very few came off after giving birth.i didn’t know much about it then.i regimented myself to the juicing and bike riding.within a few months I lost all the weight and felt great.i never really quit juicing but I wasn’t adamant about I am 65yrs.old very over weight and I am beginning a new is day starting with my energizing beet,ginger,granny apple combo.i need to lose 80 be at a normal weight.wish me luck as I begin my journey on what I know to be a happy healthy way of life

  42. Came across this post and I have to say you are the most brave soul out there that took care of the one and most important person… YOU! My mother during the pandemic did fasting and it not only help her loe weight, it lowered her cholesterol and other symptoms she was diagnosed with. Right now she was diagnosed with diabetes, but im.helping her with recipes and she is still going to fast. You are also so right about people using meds as being coddled… this is what the pharma industry is doing along with doctors. They are getting rich at the expense of illnesses they can prescribe a drug for! I am going to try this juice fasting because I am having the worst lower back pains the past week or so, plus I want to lose some weight. Thank you for sharing your story with us! From my heart to yours, I love you brave sister! ❤🙏

  43. That’s incredible! I’m so happy for you. Thank you for the inspiration as that is quite needed in this world we live in. Positive vibes are always welcome! ☺️ Good luck on your journey…. sounds like I’ll have fun with this as I love fasting and my healthy smoothies and pure juices! Thank you. Happy fasting! CHEERS! 👏👌🙌🫶

  44. Phindile Mkhatshwa

    Again for how long should I drink this juice in order to loose weight and be treated from insomnia since I’m a poor sleeper?

  45. I totally understand about family and friends and their skepticism. God made our bodies to be able to cure itself if we feed it the way He planned us to. I also believe by changing our eating habits and paying attention to our toxic loads we can also help our bodies heal from any disease even cancers. (Junk in Junk out). Keep up the great blogs I believe God sees that you are trying to make good and healthy choices so you are being healed from the inside out. Don’t get discouraged. Its like trying to tell people they need Jesus in their lives. Some will believe and some just won’t

  46. Anne M Robinson

    My husband and I have head colds and I have chronic sinus since my VP Shunt surgery times 3 in 1984-1985. I take Thyroid meds and my husband has asthma, eczema and HBP. We both could use some weight and I know we’d feel better. Thank you for being here. We are going to try some of your juices and see how it goes. We are older, in our late 60’s. Have a blessed new week.

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