Which Is Better For You: Coconut Water vs. Cactus Water

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Coconut water has been trending in the health-world for a few years now but it is finally being contested. Not that coconut water is unhealthy, it just has a new “rival” to hold its own against: cactus water.

Like coconut water, cactus water comes from a plant that is tough to eat but is nutritioius and provides several health benefits. Unlike coconut water, cactus water must come from a specific type of cactus: the prickly pear cactus.

coconut water vs cactus waterCactus water is rich with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins, and minerals; and is on par with coconut water health-wise. Let’s see all the pros and cons of both coconut water and cactus water. Let’s start with something we know and love:


Coconut Water Vs Cactus Water

Coconut Water

Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water in its pure original form is low in fat and sodium, high in potassium, cholesterol-free with naturally occurring sugars. It is rich in various minerals such as zinc, selenium, iodine, sulfur, manganese, boron, molybdenum, vitamin C and the B vitamins.

Coconut water is a great drink for rehydration with nutrients and is beneficial if you’re trying to kick a soda habit. A great choice for juicers when we want to add nutritious water to juices and smoothies.  It is a natural isotonic drink that provides many of the same benefits as formulated sports drinks, including the necessary electrolytes that are useful after a workout.

Drawbacks of Coconut Water

In tropical countries such as where I come from, coconuts are abundant and freely available. We crack fresh young coconuts and drink the water directly from the shells for their freshest, chemical-free, nutrient-rich content.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the USA and non-tropical countries, coconut water comes in cans or boxes. There is a ton of coconut water brands out there these days, so it’s hard to know which ones are any good. First of all, look for coconut water that isn’t from concentrate. This means the coconut had not been heated and may have lost all its nutrients. Some brands have added sweeteners and/or artificial flavors.


Cactus Water

Cactus water is made from the pears from the prickly pear cactus. The fruits are pureed, filtered, then mixed with pure water and organic lemon juice for taste and stabilization. This gives cactus water a nice mild berry taste that is light and refreshing.

Benefits of Cactus Water

What differentiates cactus water from coconut water is its powerful amino acid Taurine, that acts as a powerful antioxidant in anti-aging that keeps the skin looking young. Another rare antioxidant is betalains (double the amount of what beetroot contains), a color compound that seems to give a glow to the skin and reduces eye puffiness.

Cactus water is very low in sugar and calories, and considering the beauty benefits, it seems to be a popular drink with fashion folks and health-conscious celebs.

Drawbacks of Cactus Water

Being new to the market means cactus water is more expensive.


Which Water Is Better For You?

So which one should you choose? It depends. Coconut is suitable for athletes and runners because of the carb-count. It is possible that it provides energy that is sustainable.

Being lower in calories means cactus water is better for sugar level management, those with cardiovascular health issues, and those watching caloric-intake. And, because of the beauty benefits, it is quite clear that cactus water, even though is selling at a higher price, is targeted at a different market. So it looks like this new trend is here to stay!

Both coconut water and cactus water are definitely better choices than sodas. If a recipe calls for water, think to add either coconut or cactus water for their health benefits as well as their unique tastes.



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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of Juicing-for-Health.com. She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.

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  1. Well this makes it pretty obvious which is better for you. You really can’t put a price on your health so it would be worth the extra cost if you can swing it.

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