Juice For Beautiful Skin, Cure Acne, Pimples And Brighten Your Complexion

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For more effective remedy of acne, avoid these offending foods: Processed/refined foods, deep-fried foods, dairy products, gravies, flour and sugar products, alcohol, and caffeine.

Below is an excellent juice recipe for getting rid of acne. Drink regularly to see its effect.  When not drinking this juice, use the same ingredients and make a nice bowl of salad for its nutrients and fiber that help reduce acne problems.

juice for beautiful skin

Why These Ingredients Are Used In This Juice Recipe

Cabbage has a high sulfur content and is considered as Nature’s beauty mineral. Due to its drying effect, it is a great food for drying out acne and breakouts. The abundance of vitamin C makes cabbage juice beneficial for healing and rejuvenating the skin from the inside out. Purple cabbage is used in this recipe as it is sweet and contains more anthocyanins (antioxidants) that are useful for neutralizing free radicals that cause premature aging to the skin.

Romaine lettuce is a great source of chromium which is good at stabilizing the level of glucose in your blood. Excess blood sugar encourages the sebaceous gland to produce lots of sebum. So having this vegetable feature in your diet can really make a difference to problem skin.

Cucumber contains vitamins A, C and E and many essential minerals that help preserve the suppleness of skin. It is one of the best hydrating foods that keeps the body hydrated and supplying the body with the necessary nutrients. Cucumber juice can help clear up unwanted acne lesions and prevent the formation of new acne lesions. It heals acne and lightens the appearance of acne by reducing redness and pain as well as scars. Applying cucumber juice on the acne regularly will also help speedier healing.

Tomato contains lycopene and very high level of vitamin C, two of the most important antioxidants in tomatoes that offer protection against free radicals that cause premature aging and diseases. Eating tomatoes helps protect the skin from UV damage by exposure to the sun. It enhances skin health significantly.


Recipe: Juice For  Beautiful Skin

  • ½ a head of purple cabbage
  • 2 heads of Romaine lettuce
  • 1  cucumber
  • 2 red tomatoes
  • ¼ lemon with peel

Also remember to drink plenty of water. Together with this juice combo, drink 1-2 tablespoons flaxseed oil daily and say goodbye to acne! 🙂


Related reading:

How to get rid of acne from the inside out

7 natural acne treatment recipes that have absolutely no harmful chemicals

10 home remedies to eliminate acne and pimples and have beautiful skin

The link between acne, hormones and liver very few people know about

5 natural DIY facial masks to reduce acne

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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of Juicing-for-Health.com. She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.


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