Juice Fasting May Be Your Answer To Healing From Food Allergies
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Alleviate food allergy symptoms naturally by detoxifying and cleansing with healthy juices that are full of antioxidants.
Understanding Food Allergies
A food allergy is an over-reaction of the immune system to substances that are normally harmless to others. The immune system’s job is to defend our body against antigens. However, in some people, the immune system is susceptible to certain allergens, whether inhaled, ingested or injected, causing an allergic reaction.
Some people are allergic to only one substance, some to several.
When first exposed to an allergen, the immune system produces an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) that binds to basophils (a type of white blood cell) and to the mast cells.
The first encounter with an allergen may make the person to be sensitive to it without any symptoms. But, with subsequent encounters the cells with IgE start to release substances (like histamine and prostaglandins) that is responsible for several different forms of discomfort.
Symptoms of Food Allergies
Food allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe. Just as the list of allergens are endless, the list of symptoms can be as long.
Most reactions are considered “mild” and non-life threatening. They can manifest in the form of swelling, inflammation, skin rashes, hives, runny nose, sneezing, congestion, itchy or watery eyes.
Swelling from allergy to drugs may occur in small areas of the skin (with hives) or in larger areas under the skin, called angioedema. Swelling is caused by fluids leaking from blood vessels. Depending on where this happens on the body, it can be dangerous.
Allergies may also trigger asthma, hay fever, wheezing, diarrhea, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, irritability, joint pains, headaches and many other symptoms.
Causes of Food Allergies
There are many reasons for developing food allergies but a common reason is when the colon health has been compromised. A prolonged chronic constipation or poor colon health causes a syndrome called the “leaky gut syndrome”.
This is when digestion has become so poor that accumulated old fecal matters stay in the gastrointestinal tract and caused perforation in the stomach wall lining. Undigested food leak through and contaminate the blood system, and the liver filtration becomes poor over time. When the blood is contaminated, the body begins to find ways to eliminate it from the body. When this happens, you have food intolerance that causes an allergy.
It is possible that people are allergic to just about anything. The most common triggers are dust, pollen, pet dander, chemicals and latex. Common food sources that may cause an allergic reaction are aspartame (in artificial sweetener), monosodium glutamate (MSG), alcoholic beverages, bee pollen, chocolate, nuts, dairy products, wheat, seafood and even some types of fruits and vegetables.
Diet/Lifestyle Suggestions
One of the first things to do to be rid of allergy is to do a colon cleanse for your gastrointestinal health. This can be done through juice fasting, and/or a fiber drink program.
Gradually reduce your intake of animal proteins and fats, saturated fats, starches, refined sugars. And increase your fruit and vegetable juices intake that are very healing for your situation.
Even a day a week of fasting and drinking lots of water can do wonders for your body. Then gradually increase number of days of fasting to longer fasts, while drinking plenty of water and fresh juices. Learn more about juice fasting.
During this cleansing journey, you will encounter some healing reactions. If you had hives before, hives will break out again during this detox period. If you had headache, it will recur, and so on. This is the way your body responds to a healthier diet. Fasting allows the body to rest while it channels its “energy” to cleanse out the body.
Clean Up The Gastrointestinal Tract
To do a gastrointestinal cleanse, drink three or four times a day
- 1 teaspoon of raw honey + 1 teaspoon of Braggs’ apple cider vinegar + a glass of 250 ml room temperature water + good quality psyllium husk powder (preferably herbal and/or with pectin)
- Immediately followed by 1 teaspoon of raw honey + 1 teaspoon of Braggs’ apple cider vinegar + a glass of 250 ml room temperature water
Drink 2-3 glasses of juices daily and at least 2-3 liters (quarts) of water. If you encounter bloating or a low-grade fever, it is a healing reaction. Reduce the number of times that you drink the fiber drink and drink more water instead.
Go here for a complete guide on doing an efficient gastrointestinal cleanse.
During the cleanse, it is also important that you take a course of high quality probiotics. If you have trouble getting the right mix for the colon cleanse drink. Dr Natura’s formula is a safe option that I would recommend. You can buy it here.
Here are some recommended high quality probiotics:
Recommended Healing Foods to Reduce/Remove Food Allergies
Regularly drinking fresh green juices helps to improve colon health over time. Below is just a short list of helpful fresh foods that are helpful to improve colon health to reduce an allergy issue.
Carrot |
Celery |
Fennel |
Cucumber |
Cabbage |
Lettuce |
Cilantro |
Beetroot |
Rutabaga |
Lotusroot |
Jicama |
Celeriac |
Leek |
Lemongrass |
Ginger root |
Begin to add these “natural probiotic foods” in your daily diet: Cilantro, fennel, garlic, ginger, leeks, lemongrass, onion, parsley, turmeric. They help to multiply the good bacteria that will help with digestion and overall health. Eat them fresh or add them into your drinks or foods.
Most people don’t like the smell/taste/flavor/odor of these foods, but neither do the harmful bacteria – they cannot live in this environment. On the other hand, the beneficial bacteria (which we want) love these foods, thrive in them and begin to multiply when they have these foods.
Some Suggested Combos (measurement for one portion):
- 2 green apples + 6-8 ribs of celery + 1 fennel + ¼ lemon + 1 thumb-sized ginger
- 3 carrots + 6 ribs of celery + ¼ head of cabbage + a bunch of cilantro + ¼ lemon
- 2 green apples + 1 cucumber + 2 heads of Romaine lettuce + ¼ lemon + 1 thumb-size ginger
- 3 beetroot + 1 fennel + ½ lemon
- 3 carrots + 6-inch section of lotusroot + 1 jicama
- Lemongrass-ginger tea
Learn how to make great tasting green juices.
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