Amazing Things Happen When You Drink This Powerful Lemon-Turmeric Mixture

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From the air you breathe, water you drink and food you consume, you take in toxins into your body. Some of these toxins cannot be eliminated naturally, thus stay in the body and cause trouble later. It is important to help your body to detoxify regularly, especially if you’re at a high risk exposure to pollutants, in order to keep diseases at bay.

There are many ways to detoxify the body, but the best way is to practice eating a clean diet, consuming organic fruits, vegetables, other plant foods, and plenty of water.

Lemon and turmeric are some of the best foods that are often used for detoxification. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and various antioxidants, while turmeric has many powerful medicinal properties that have shown some good results in battling cancer and treating many different illnesses.

Also check out our lemon-ginger-turmeric tea for liver cleanse.


Turmeric Root

Turmeric root belongs to the same family of herbs as ginger root and is widely used in India and Asia. It is fast gaining popularity in the Western countries due to its almost-miraculous healing properties. Turmeric has a phytonutrient called curcumin, which is a very strong cancer-fighting agent, and is also known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Read more about the health benefits of turmeric root.

Turmeric stimulates the production and flow of bile, and the liver uses bile to eliminate toxins. Bile also rejuvenates liver cells that break down harmful compounds.

Turmeric may be helpful for your weight loss efforts, as it is known to work towards flushing your liver and kidneys out of the toxins. It helps your digestive system to absorb the nutrients and thus normalizes the body metabolism.

It would be ideal if you use fresh turmeric root for this recipe. If not, turmeric powder will work just as well.



The vitamin C in lemon rejuvenates the skin from the inside out. It is used in the synthesis of collagen that prevents wrinkles and premature aging. Citric acid from lemon is perfect for maintaining the right body pH level.

Lemon also has high potassium content, which boosts your immune system and reduces stress. It is a natural diuretic that promotes frequent urination and at the same time, cleanses the kidneys and bladder.


The Mixture Recipe

If you mix hot water lemon and turmeric, you will get a very powerful healing beverage that helps your body clean itself from the toxins and will boost your general health.


We recommend that you try the following lemon and turmeric recipe and enjoy the positive effects it provides for your body.

  • ½ lemon
  • ¼ –½ tsp of turmeric powder
  • A mug of warm-to-hot water.
  • A tablespoon of raw honey
  • Squeeze ½ a lemon into the mug, add the turmeric powder and warm water. Stir well and add natural sweetener to taste. Keep spoon in the cup as turmeric will fall to the bottom so the drink will need to be stirred before drinking.



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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.

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  1. Edward Lim

    I heard the active compound in turmeric, curcumin has very little bioavailability.. can this drink be added with black pepper for better absorption ?

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