Full Moon will change colour for billions today – here’s when to see it

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The night sky is set to dazzle with the appearance of the Flower Moon, a celestial event eagerly anticipated by sky enthusiasts. This mesmerizing full moon, named for the flowers that bloom in May, will light up the heavens, reaching its peak shortly after sunset. Known for its beauty and historical significance, the Flower Moon offers a unique opportunity to connect with the wonders of the universe while reflecting on past events that have shaped our world.

Beyond its breathtaking appearance, the Flower Moon also carries a poignant historical legacy. It marks a somber chapter in American history, the Reign of Terror against the Osage Nation in the 1920s. This dark period inspired the acclaimed book “Killers of the Flower Moon” by David Grann, later adapted into a film by Martin Scorsese. As we prepare to witness this celestial wonder, let’s delve into its astronomical details, historical context, and the ways it inspires a deeper connection with nature and promotes a healthy, mindful lifestyle.

Full Flower Moon will bloom in the night sky TOMORROW... here is how you can see the cosmic wonder | Daily Mail Online

The Celestial Event: Flower Moon

The Flower Moon, one of the most captivating full moons of the year, is set to grace the night sky. This enchanting event gets its name from the blossoms that flourish during May, symbolizing growth and renewal. According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Flower Moon will appear full at 9:35 AM ET on Thursday, but the best time to view it will be at night when it rises majestically above the horizon.

For those eager to catch a glimpse of this cosmic wonder, timing is everything. The Flower Moon will begin to rise after sunset on Wednesday, offering an early preview. On Thursday, the main event will unfold when the moon reaches its peak visibility, coinciding with the appearance of Antares, a star located about 600 light-years from Earth. Antares, known for its blazing ruby color, will enhance the Flower Moon’s spectacle, creating a celestial pairing that is not to be missed.

Historical Significance of the Flower Moon

The Flower Moon is not only a breathtaking celestial event but also a reminder of a significant and somber chapter in American history. The term ‘Flower Moon’ became notably associated with the 1920s Reign of Terror against the Osage Nation, a tragic period marked by greed and violence. During this time, white men systematically murdered members of the Osage tribe to gain control of their lucrative oil assets, an event that shook the nation and highlighted severe injustices.

This dark period of history was brought to light in David Grann’s critically acclaimed 2017 book, “Killers of the Flower Moon.” The book delves into the investigation led by the newly formed FBI to uncover the truth behind these heinous crimes. Grann’s meticulous research and compelling narrative not only exposed the brutality faced by the Osage Nation but also underscored the resilience and courage of those who fought for justice.

In 2021, the story was adapted into a film directed by Martin Scorsese, bringing the tragic events and the Osage Nation’s plight to a broader audience. The movie’s portrayal of the Reign of Terror serves as a poignant reminder of the past, encouraging viewers to reflect on the historical injustices and the importance of equity and justice in society. As we gaze upon the Flower Moon, it’s a fitting moment to remember and honor the history and resilience of the Osage people.

May's full flower moon will light up the sky this week

The Science Behind the Flower Moon

The Flower Moon, like all full moons, is a marvel of astronomical science. It’s one of the many names given to the full moon, each reflecting the natural events occurring at different times of the year. The Flower Moon, specifically, is named for the abundance of flowers that bloom in May, a time of growth and renewal in nature. This full moon is also known by other names, such as the Mother’s Moon, Milk Moon, and Corn Planting Moon, each reflecting different cultural and agricultural significances.

Why It’s Called the Flower Moon and Other Names?

The naming of full moons has a long tradition, with various cultures attributing different names based on the seasonal changes they observed. The Flower Moon signifies the time of year when flowers are in full bloom, painting the landscape with vibrant colors. Native American tribes, in particular, used these moon names as a way to track the seasons and plan agricultural activities. The Flower Moon indicated the time to start planting crops, a practice that was crucial for their survival and well-being.

Explanation of Its Appearance and Phases

The full moon occurs when the Earth is positioned directly between the sun and the moon, allowing the moon to be fully illuminated by the sun’s rays. This month’s Flower Moon will reach its peak illumination at 9:35 AM ET on Thursday, but it will be best viewed at night. As it rises in the east and sets in the west, the Flower Moon will go through different phases, each offering a unique view. Its appearance can vary based on atmospheric conditions, which may cause it to look larger or take on different hues.

Antares: The Star Accompanying the Flower Moon and Its Significance

This year’s Flower Moon will share the sky with Antares, a prominent star in the constellation Scorpius. Antares is a red supergiant star nearing the end of its life, located about 600 light-years from Earth. Known for its distinctive ruby color, Antares will add an extra element of wonder to the Flower Moon’s display. As it runs out of fuel, Antares will eventually collapse and explode as a supernova, an event that will create an incredibly bright and powerful explosion.

In 2017, scientists using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLTI) captured detailed images of Antares, revealing turbulent, low-density gas far from the star’s surface. These observations suggested that a new, unknown process might be responsible for the gas movements, providing valuable insights into the life cycles of stars. As you watch the Flower Moon, keep an eye out for Antares, a star that adds both beauty and scientific intrigue to this celestial event.

Capturing the Moment: Tips for Skygazers

Experiencing the Flower Moon is an event that can leave lasting memories, especially when you know how to best capture and appreciate this celestial wonder. Whether you are a seasoned stargazer or a casual observer, these tips will help you make the most of your Flower Moon viewing experience.

Best Practices for Viewing the Flower Moon

  • Choose the Right Time: The Flower Moon will be best viewed at night on Wednesday and Thursday. Look for it just after sunset when it starts to rise in the east, and enjoy it as it reaches its highest point after midnight.
  • Find a Prime Location: Select a viewing spot with a clear, unobstructed view of the horizon. Rural areas away from city lights are ideal, as light pollution can significantly reduce the visibility of celestial events.
  • Check the Weather: Clear skies are crucial for moon gazing. Check your local weather forecast ahead of time to ensure that the skies will be clear during the peak viewing times.

Tools and Techniques for Photographing the Moon

  • Use a Tripod: A tripod is essential for stabilizing your camera or smartphone. It helps prevent blurry images and allows for longer exposure times, capturing more details of the moon’s surface.
  • Adjust Your Camera Settings: For the best results, use manual settings. Set a low ISO (100-200) to reduce noise, and choose a fast shutter speed to capture the bright moon without overexposing it. A longer lens (200mm or more) will help you get close-up shots.
  • Experiment with Exposure: The brightness of the moon can make it tricky to photograph. Experiment with different exposure times and settings to find the perfect balance between brightness and detail.
  • Use a Remote Shutter: To avoid shaking the camera, use a remote shutter or the timer function on your camera. This ensures that you don’t accidentally move the camera while taking the picture.

Safety Tips for Stargazing

  • Dress Appropriately: Nights can get chilly, even in May. Dress in layers and bring a blanket or sleeping bag to stay warm while you’re out stargazing.
  • Stay Safe: If you’re heading to a remote location, make sure you have a flashlight, plenty of water, and a first-aid kit. Let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to be back.
  • Be Mindful of Wildlife: When stargazing in rural areas, be aware of the local wildlife. Make noise periodically to keep animals away, and be cautious of your surroundings.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while marveling at the beauty of the Flower Moon. Whether you’re simply gazing in awe or capturing the moment with your camera, these practices will help you make the most of this celestial event.

There's a Super Flower Moon Wednesday Night

Reflecting on the Flower Moon’s Significance

The Flower Moon is not only a stunning celestial event but also a profound reminder of the intricate connection between nature, history, and personal well-being. As you gaze upon the Flower Moon, take a moment to reflect on its historical significance, the scientific marvels that accompany it, and the inspiration it offers for a healthy, mindful lifestyle. Observing this moon can foster a sense of renewal and growth, mirroring the natural cycle of blooming flowers and encouraging personal development and well-being.

Embrace this opportunity to connect with the natural world, appreciate the beauty of the cosmos, and find peace and tranquility under the glow of the Flower Moon. Let this celestial event inspire you to foster a deeper appreciation for nature, promote mindfulness, and seek balance in your life. Whether you’re observing the moon alone or sharing the experience with loved ones, the Flower Moon provides a perfect moment to pause, reflect, and embrace the wonders of the universe.

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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of Juicing-for-Health.com. She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.


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