8 Unusual Things A Chiropractor Can Do For You That Most People Don't Know About

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To many people, the word chiropractor reminds them of someone who works on people’s back. Most people have limited ideas about what chiropractic care can do, and think that a chiropractor only fixes the nagging pain on your back.

What people don’t know is that there are many more things that a chiropractor can do for you, apart from fixing your back pain or helping you get rid of your headaches and migraines.

chiropractic care

Chiropractic Care Offers Benefits Beyond Pain Relief

1. Improves Athletic Performance

A look at most teams shows that each of them have a chiropractor for their athletes. This might sound normal to you because athletes are bound to have injuries every now and then. What people don’t know is that chiropractic care can help improve physical performance and help athletes stay fit.

2. Relieves Headaches

Based on recent studies, chiropractic care has proven to be effective against headaches that originate from the neck. A number of people experience headaches because of a buildup of tension in their neck and shoulders due to sedentary lifestyles and poor posture. Manual therapy of the spine, along with neck exercises, promotes improvement in patients with neck-induced headaches.

3. Improves Quality Of Life For Arthritis Patients

Arthritis can be a very troubling problem to have, as it leads to stiffness and immobility throughout the entire body. Studies show that patients who received chiropractic care enjoy better health than patients who do not receive chiropractic care for arthritis. as it allows a reduction in stiffness and pan in joints as well as increased range of motion.

4. Helps Pregnant Women Enjoy An Easy Pregnancy And Delivery

Being pregnant is a joy to many but also a nightmare to some. Pregnancy has its fair share of challenges to some women mostly based on the change of posture in a pregnant woman.

As your baby grows, it forces your pelvis to tilt forward to allow more room for the baby. This pelvic change causes an exaggerated curve in the lower back putting more pressure on the muscles and joints. Chiropractic care through various joint and muscle releases, as well as rehabilitation, helps in ensuring that your back stays as pain free as possible while you go through pregnancy.

5. Helps Ease Post-Partum Pain

Giving birth is rewarding. You now have your bundle of joy who makes you very happy. But that is not all.

After delivery, as the body tries to go back to its original shape, a new mother can experience quite a lot of pain as various ligaments have been stretched and imbalances have occurred in the muscles. Treatment can help in minimizing post-partum pain, and reducing the discomfort that comes after pregnancy, through various rehabs to strengthen weak or underactive muscles. 

6. Helps Improve Sleep

When was the last time you got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep? Lack of sleep can often be contributed to neck or back pain. If you’re constantly waking up at night every time you move around, you’re not going to wake up feeling refreshed.

Chiropractors can help alleviate discomfort to allow your body to relax more when you sleep as well as providing advice on changes to sleeping positions so that you can sleep more comfortably.

7. Improves Mental Clarity

Lack of sleep leads to lack of concentration and fatigue. If you wake up with little sleep your days can really drag on. Chiropractic treatment through muscle relaxation and joint manipulation, can reduce your pain helping you feel relaxed when you sleep. With better sleep, you will have more energy the next day that can allow for increased mental clarity and concentration.

8. Helps Prevent Back Surgery

Chiropractors are known for treating and reducing back pain. Problems which are left over extended periods of time can, in some cases, lead to back surgery. In some instances, the problem in someone’s back could be so bad such that the only way out is surgery.

Chiropractic care can help, in some cases such as slipped disks, and limitation of degenerative change to allow your body to remain healthy for longer.

Chiropractic care is one thing that you should consider when you’re in pain. With a comprehensive history and physical assessment, a chiropractor can give you an accurate diagnosis for your problem to help give you both short and long-term pain relief.

Author:  Dr. Mark El-Hayek is a graduate from Macquarie University Sydney, Australia with a Masters of Chiropractic and a Bachelor of Medical Science majoring in human anatomy, physiology, and neurobiology. To help people in pain, he opened Spine and Posture Care in 2013 with a view to treat those who suffer from the pain in the spine and back. He takes pride in varying his workouts to address individual deficits, avoid injury, maintain enthusiasm, and maximize results to get rid of pain permanently.

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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of Juicing-for-Health.com. She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.

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  1. me gusta las informaciones que hay aqui no logro dar con mi problema tengo pinchazos en muchas partes del cuerpo y no logro subir de peso

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