You’re Missing Out On 95% Of The Nutrients In Watermelon If You’re Not Eating The Rind
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Most people eat only the juicy flesh inside of the watermelon. However, watermelon rind is completely edible. Furthermore, watermelon rind is very healthy for your body in many ways. In fact, 95 percent of the nutrient value of a watermelon is in the rind!
What’s in Watermelon Rind?
Watermelon rind, much like the flesh of a watermelon, is mostly made of water. The diuretic and hydrating properties of watermelon with its powerful cleansing abilities are beneficial for improving the functions of kidneys and for treating urinary tract infections.
Adequate hydration lowers blood pressure as well. Watermelon rind is also chock-full of vitamins C, B6, and A, and you can get a good amount of zinc and potassium from eating this part of the fruit.
The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture even states that the citrulline in watermelon rind can fight free radical damage, and it can boost the immune system. All of these vitamins and minerals can be found in just one serving of rind totaling 50 calories.
Benefits Of Consuming Watermelon Rind
Citrulline can also aid in weight loss, and the fiber found in the watermelon rind can help you feel fuller for longer. Studies have shown that people who consume natural citrulline lose 30 percent more weight than those who do not.
The lycopene in watermelon rind may be able to reduce the inflammation responsible for arthritis pain, and the folate in the rind may also lessen the risk of heart attack and colon cancer. Because watermelon is a god source of beta-carotene, it benefits eye health as well.
One surprising advantage to eating every part of the watermelon concerns physical closeness with your partner. Scientists from Texas A&M’s Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center have noted that the citrulline in watermelon rinds can relax the blood vessels responsible for successful closeness between partners.
Even pregnant women can take advantage of healthy watermelon rinds. Small portions of the rind can reduce heartburn, and it can reduce the swelling associated with pregnancy. The natural sugars can even reduce morning sickness! If you’re troubled by muscle cramps, try eating some watermelon rind to guard against future cramps.
Saving Money
Using every part of the watermelon doesn’t just benefit your health. It can stretch your food dollars as well. You can make pickles using watermelon rind since it has the same consistency as a cucumber.
If you have access to a juicer, you can juice the rind for a great-tasting drink that fights free radical cell damage. Make sure to wash the outer skin completely if you plan to juice the skin and all.
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I have very recently started eating watermelon, how much rind would I need to consume for any further health benefits than just eating the flesh , daily or weekly amounts/levels ?
Kind regards
Mark , middle aged male ( UK )