Scientists Confirm Some People Are Able to Smell When Rain Is Coming

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Have you ever found yourself standing at the threshold of your home on a sizzling summer day, or on a crisp, bone-chilling winter afternoon, convinced you could smell the rain coming? As it turns out, this phenomenon isn’t universally experienced, leading many to question if it’s rooted in scientific fact or if it merely exists as a whimsical myth.

Scientists Confirm Some People Are Able to Smell When Rain Is Coming

If you’ve browsed through social media on a particularly cloudy day, you might have noticed a polarizing debate: there are those who assertively proclaim their unique ability to predict rainfall through olfactory cues, while others appear notably doubtful. However, regardless of which camp you’re in, there’s some fascinating evidence that supports the concept of pre-rain odors. Numerous factors contribute to this olfactory phenomenon, with a primary component being the enchanting scent known as petrichor.

The Mesmerizing Mystique of Petrichor

Petrichor, a term rooted in Greek with ‘petros’ meaning stone and ‘ichor’ standing for the ethereal fluid coursing through the veins of ancient gods, represents the intoxicating, earthy aroma that pervades the atmosphere post rainfall, especially following a prolonged dry spell. Mineralogists Isabel Joy Bear and Richard Thomas first introduced this term to the world in 1964, unwittingly kindling widespread fascination with this mysterious smell.

Though petrichor consistently ranks among favorite natural fragrances for many people, the reason behind its appealing allure wasn’t understood until recently. In an enlightening 2020 study, researchers discovered the tantalizing scent of petrichor wasn’t just enticing to humans but proved irresistible to a variety of other animals as well.

The Alluring Call of Geosmin

The intriguing answer lies in the presence of a commonplace soil bacterium, Streptomyces, which produces a compound named geosmin. This particular compound is responsible for that alluring smell we find so inexplicably pleasing. Surprisingly, the human nose exhibits a heightened sensitivity to geosmin, capable of detecting it in exceptionally trace amounts, even surpassing sharks’ extraordinary ability to smell blood in water. Streptomyces bacteria create geosmin to attract critters, from small insects to larger animals, which then inadvertently become carriers for the bacteria’s spores, helping them spread over broader regions.

When it rains, as explained by researchers in a 2015 study, water droplets striking the ground capture pockets of air within the soil’s pores. These air pockets escape the water and turn into miniature aerosols, bringing with them traces of whatever they were in contact with, including geosmin. The wind whisks these aerosols away, allowing them to travel vast distances, even preceding the rainclouds themselves. It’s these aerosol particles humans are likely detecting when they smell impending rain. This process also accounts for the presence of bacteria high in the atmosphere, as these tiny microorganisms get swept up by the gusting winds.

The Sweet Scent of Ozone

Another crucial factor in the aroma of impending rain is ozone. Unlike petrichor’s earthly scent, ozone carries a slightly sweeter smell. Composed of three oxygen atoms, ozone derives its name from the Greek word ‘ozein,’ meaning ‘to smell.’ It’s a naturally occurring gas, but it can also be created through artificial means like fertilizers or other pollutants. An electrical charge—either from a lightning strike or an artificial source—can generate ozone by separating nitrogen in the atmosphere from oxygen molecules. After interacting with other chemicals in the atmosphere, some of these molecules may recombine to form nitric oxide, which can eventually become ozone.

A significant downdraft from an impending storm can usher ozone down to the ground level, where it is then detectable by humans. This is because lightning within a storm could split nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the atmosphere, and these recombine to form nitric oxide, which subsequently reacts with other chemicals to become ozone. The resulting scent of ozone is a strong indicator of an imminent thunderstorm. The following points illustrate this process:

    1. Storm formation: As a thunderstorm brews, there are extensive atmospheric changes, including the generation of substantial electrical energy.
    2. Ozone creation: This electrical energy facilitates the formation of ozone through the splitting and recombination of nitrogen and oxygen molecules.
    3. Transport of ozone: Downdrafts associated with the storm bring the ozone closer to the earth’s surface.
    4. Ozone detection: Humans can detect this ozone at ground level, signaling the approach of a heavy rainstorm.

The Intricate Relationship Between Rain, Bacteria, and Ozone

In a beautifully intricate relationship, Streptomyces, ozone, and rain interplay to create a sensory phenomenon that can act as a natural barometer. The presence of geosmin, produced by the soil bacteria Streptomyces, combined with the unique scent of ozone, provides a remarkable method of anticipating rain, even before the first drop falls. This complex and elegant process is a testament to the wonder of nature and its interconnectivity.

Making Use of Your Natural Rain Detector

So the next time you step outside, draw in a deep breath, and think you smell rain on the horizon, you’ll know there’s a good chance that you’re right. Recognize that the inviting scent of petrichor is a result of the bacterium Streptomyces producing geosmin to attract critters and propagate its spores. Appreciate that the tang of ozone is a telltale sign of a forthcoming downpour, generated by the electrical energy of an impending storm. The connection between these elements is a fascinating testament to the intricacies of our environment, and it’s worth appreciating every time you sense rain in the air.

Smelling Rain – Myth or Reality?

As this exploration shows, our ability to ‘smell’ the rain is indeed grounded in reality, and not just an olfactory illusion. The earthy scent of petrichor, produced by Streptomyces, and the sweet smell of ozone combine to create a pre-rain aroma that we can pick up on. This complex interplay of biological and atmospheric factors not only allows us to predict incoming rain but also adds to the beauty and intrigue of the natural world. The next time you perceive the characteristic smell of impending rain, remember the intricate processes behind it, and perhaps even carry an umbrella, just in case.

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About Sara Ding

Sara Ding is the founder of She is a certified Wellness Health Coach, Nutritional Consultant and a Detox Specialist. She helps busy men and women identify their health issues at the root cause, in order to eliminate the problems for optimum physical/mental health and wellbeing.


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